Earn with BEAM4.ME Airdrops

Beam4.me - Private Exchange
2 min readSep 12, 2022

Upgrade your NFTs to earn Platform Rewards

🔀 Each time a swap is conducted on the BEAM4.ME platform, 10% of the profits are distributed to the community via an automated airdrop. To become eligible for a share of the platform rewards, you must:

  1. Own an NFT from the BEAM4.ME collection
  2. Complete a swap transaction on BEAM4.ME
  3. Once the transaction is completed, input your order id to “Level Up” your BEAM4.ME NFT. (see the image above!)

Your rewards are calculated based on the following formula:

{YOUR_SHARE_%} = (10% from Beam4.me profit) * {YOUR_NFT_LVL/ALL_NFTS_LVL}

For Example:

You own one Level 10 BEAM4.ME NFT

The community holds nine Level 10 BEAM4.ME NFTs

BEAM4.ME platform fees = $1000

10% of platform fees reserved for community airdrops = $100



{YOUR_SHARE_%} = 10 * (10/100) = $10

🆙 Upgraded NFTs earn a share of the BEAM4.ME platform fees, and can also be traded on the Beam NFT Marketplace, retaining their Levels and attributes.

Whenever a new user purchases an NFT from the BEAM4.ME collection, they will automatically start receiving BEAM4.ME platform fees airdrops, based on the Level of the NFT.

Stay Tuned for More!

We’re currently developing a Liquidity feature for BEAM4.ME, which will allow users to deposit $USDC into our private DeFi liquidity pools, earning yields from each swap. Stay tuned for the white paper announcement!

About BEAM4.ME

BEAM4.ME is a privacy-preserving multichain atomic swap protocol that allows users to swap cryptocurrencies with private-by-default transactions.

Have Questions or Feedback?

Email: contact@beam4.me

Join the BEAM4.ME Community

Twitter: https://twitter.com/beam4me_

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/GVm5FxYPTlBeoyxIapzYRQ

